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Annual General Meeting - 7 August 2012

The NICF Annual General Meeting took place on 7 August 2012 at the FITA Training Centre, Loughborough.

Ian James was elected to serve as President of the Institute with Tim Nicholas elected as Vice-President.

Kevin Stephen was re-elected as Honorary Treasurer.

Mr James thanked Mr Ramsden for his hard work over the last two years and presented him with an engraved tankard to mark Mr Ramsden's two years as President of the Institute.

New Council members elected were:

Matthew Yerrell

Council members re-elected to Council were:

Matthew Blackbourn
Scott Carter-Dowding
Bill Cruickshank
Dennis Green
Nick Hood
Steve Ramsden

The full NICF Council is now:

Ian James - President
Tim Nicholas - Vice-President
Kevin Stephen - Honorary Treasurer
Matthew Blackbourn
Bill Cruickshank
Scott Carter-Dowding
Dennis Green
Nick Hood
Brian King
Adrian May
Steve Ramsden
Mark Saunders
Graham Schofield
Justin Walker
Matthew Yerrell

Dan Evans was co-opted to Council for the next 12 months.

Thursday 9th August 2012

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