Croner - Update re HR guidance
Last week, calls to Croner's advice lines increased dramatically. In fact, thousands of employers contacted Croner for advice on the latest Government initiative – the Job Retention Scheme.
Croner have put together a quick guide on furloughing and the Job Retention Scheme, covering:
How to apply for grants to cover your employees’ wages
How to pick which employees go on ‘furlough’ i.e. temporarily stop working
How long your employees need to be on ‘furlough’ before you can claim back their wages.
You can get this free guidance on furloughing individuals who are self-isolating or on different contracts, and advice on pay, by clicking here.
If you have any questions or to book a call with one of our UK-based business advisers, call Croner on 0800 470 1552 and quote your scheme number.