Retailers told "no reason not to be open" right now
Source: Carpet Foundation
After receiving clarification from Government, the Carpet Foundation is advising retailers in England they can open their premises right away, as "homeware stores" – provided they have strict 'COVID-19 Secure' guidelines in place and seek legal advice.
The Foundation told its 370 retail members: "After discussions with Government at the end of last week, we have received this notification regarding the re-opening of carpet retailers: The regulations have always identified homeware, building supplies and hardware stores as being among those businesses which may be regarded as legal exceptions to the requirement to close and it remains for each business to seek its own legal advice in making decisions re: whether or not to operate.
"These decisions must take full account of the regulations, guidance and the requirement (related to the Health & Safety at Work Act) to adhere to PHE guidelines on social distancing in the workplace to protect the health and safety of both staff and customers."
The advice came from Veronica Giannangeli at the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) after the Foundation opened up talks with the Department to emphasise the importance of the flooring sector to the UK economy.
In its guidance the Foundation said; "What is 100% clear from this is that you need to take advice and follow that advice. Our advice is that you must fully comply with all the requirements of social distancing, putting in place the new practices for working in stores and other people’s homes."
"If you have all of the requirements for social distancing in place it would appear you have no reason not to be open," it said.
To download this leaflet visit the general downloads in the NICF website member area.
At present, this advice only applies to England as separate guidance will be issued for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.