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Annual General Meeting - 10 August 2016
We would like to remind members that the Annual General Meeting of the Institute is taking place on Wednesday 10 August 2016 at the FITA Training Centre, Unit 10 Windmill Road Industrial Estate, Windmill Road, Loughborough LE11 1RA, commencing at 1.30pm.
The meeting will be opened with a presentation from guest speakers Denise Leigh and Keith Lawson from Croner. NICF teamed up with Croner a number of years ago to provide members with access to expert advice and guidance on:
• Commercial legal matters including consumer and contract law, terms and conditions of sale, quality of goods and services, commercial contracts
• Tax, VAT and PAYE
• Health & Safety
• Employment Law & HR
We would like to encourage as many members as possible to come along and find out how Croner can help you and your business.If you are intending coming along to the AGM please complete and return the attendance form (sent out with the official AGM papers on 23 June) by the deadline of 1 August 2016.
Tuesday 26th July 2016
Annual General Meeting - 10 August 2016
The NICF Annual General Meeting took place on 10 August 2016 at the FITA Training Centre, Loughborough.
The meeting was opened with a presentation from Denise Leigh of Croner Consulting. Croner provide the business support helpline for NICF members.
Council members re-elected to Council were:
Ian James
Brian King
Matthew YerrellPaul Sycamore of Derby was newly elected to the Council.
Steve Ramsden was elected as President of the NICF, however he has confirmed that this is on an interim basis as he has served as President before, and so he will only serve one year in the role on this occasion.
Scott Carter-Dowding was elected as Vice-President and Kevin Stephen of Spotnails Ltd was re-elected to serve a further term as Honorary Treasurer.
Steve Ramsden thanked Ian James for all his hard work as President over the past four years and presented Ian with an engraved trophy (see photo: Ian (on the left) and Steve (on the right).
Ian thanked Steve for his kind words and said that he had very much enjoyed his time as President.
The full NICF Council for 2016-2017 is:
Wednesday 17th August 2016
Steve Ramsden - President
Scott Carter-Dowding - Vice-President
Kevin Stephen (Spotnails Ltd) - Honorary Treasurer
Matthew Blackbourn
Dan Evans
Ryan Evans
Dennis Green
Brian King
Darren Robinson (ARDEX UK Ltd)
Trevor Smith
Lee Styles
Paul Sycamore
Steve Whitehead
Matthew Yerrell
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